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May 30, 2024

Automation is a Competitive Advantage, Not a Nice to Have

If we don't take automation seriously, our competitors will. This article explains how we do it at kommit, preventing us from wasting resources.

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Business Operations
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April 25, 2024

Here is how we run this company, introducing the kommitOS

As a company matures, some things become mandatory. One is the need to structure an operating model, i.e., a way to run things effectively. Failing to do so will inevitably lead the company to a chaotic situation. A few years ago, I found a fantastic term for describing such a scenario: "Clusterfog."

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May 30, 2024

Automation is a Competitive Advantage, Not a Nice to Have

If we don't take automation seriously, our competitors will. This article explains how we do it at kommit, preventing us from wasting resources.

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Business Operations

April 25, 2024

Here is how we run this company, introducing the kommitOS

As a company matures, some things become mandatory. One is the need to structure an operating model, i.e., a way to run things effectively. Failing to do so will inevitably lead the company to a chaotic situation. A few years ago, I found a fantastic term for describing such a scenario: "Clusterfog."

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Business Operations

Nov 9, 2023

How Open Source Molds the Next Generation of kommitters

Software development is constantly evolving. In this world, companies often face common challenges: "I need a team to build software that does...", "We need to get someone who can understand this project and lead it to completion," "This looks like a good candidate, but lacks the experience required for the job."

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